Thursday, February 25, 2010

Top 24 Results - I May Lose My License to Predict

Two guys and two girls are going home tonight, and we only have an hour for our proceedings! We're also seeing the return of my two favorites from last season, Allison Iraheta and Kris Allen!

The group number for tonight is "American Boy." I've never heard this song, but apparently it's by someone named Estelle. It's funny when the guys are forced to sing "I'm liking this American boy." Casey looks like he has no idea what he's doing there. Funny stuff. Not one of the best group numbers ever, but my brother thinks it's good, so I guess it'll do.

Results time!

Siobhan Magnus is safe!

Haeley Vaughn is safe!

Michelle Delamor is safe!

Katelyn Epperly, who reminds me of Amy from the first season of The Apprentice, is safe!

That leaves Katie Stevens and Janell Wheeler. Well duh, Katie's been pimped since the beginning and went last. Who do you think is going to be safe? Indeed it is Janell going home. Too bad. I kind of liked her. I'm not going to lose any sleep over it, though. She does her teary-voiced, half-hearted sing-out and America officially forgets about her two seconds later.

Iraheta time! Allison's singing a new song caled "Scars." Hmmm. I remember hearing her first single and thinking they were marketing her to teens. This song is much more grown-up. Fear not, though! She's still as big a goof as she was last year with her hand motions and after-song chat with Ryan. Back to results!

Paige Miles is safe!

Lacey Brown is safe! Well, there go both my elimination picks!

Lilly Scott is safe!

Crystal Bowersox is safe!

That leaves us with Ashley Rodriguez and Didi Benami. I predict it'll be Ashley, and indeed it is. Ashley seems to maintain her composure by avoiding too many words when Ryan tells her it's the end. I'm sure the tears are all coming backstage.

Now it's the guys' turn!

Michael Lynche is safe!

John Park is safe! Good, those ten votes I gave him weren't a waste!

Aaron Kelly is safe!

Todrick Hall is safe! Hey, why don't we just look at the end of each row and figure out who our two options to leave are?

Tim Urban and Joe Munoz are the only ones left, and I say Joe's going. Ryan delivers the news and hey, I was right! Come on, the guy got no screentime! Wasn't it obvious?

Now it's time for the best winner this show ever produced (who'll still hold that title after this season is over), Kris Allen. He's performing "Let It Be," which will be available for download on iTunes, with all proceeds going to Haiti. As usual, he does a great job. It's times like these when I'm glad Adam Lambert's not our reigning Idol. I can't imagine that sort of aural assault raising as much for the Haitians in need.

One more hopeful still faces the chopping block. Let's put him out of his misery.

Casey James is safe!

Jermaine Sellers is safe??? Wow. Didn't see that one coming.

Lee DeWyze is safe!

Andrew Garcia is safe!

That leaves us with Tyler Grady and Alex Lambert. One is stuck in the 1970's and the other has a mullet. Tough choice. I say it's obviously going to be Alex, since Tyler's too distinctive, but...what??? Tyler's out? Now that comes as something of a shock. I figured his old-school vibe would garner him a fanbase that'd keep him around at least a few weeks. Oh well. I don't care. I liked Alex better last night.

I predicted Paige, Lacey, Joe and Jermaine to get cut. Instead it was Janell, Ashley, Joe and Tyler. Well, one out of four ain't bad. Poor Joe, though. He deserved better.

So we led off the show with "American Boy" and closed it with Tyler's reprise of "American Woman." If that represents some sort of progression it's a bit of an uncomfortable one.

See you next week!

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