Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Top 3 - Welcome to Allentown

I had a really great title for this post, but since I wanted to keep this blog family-friendly I decided not to use it. It was a play on the names of New York City's three outstanding center fielders of the 1950's. Figure it out yourself if that clue helps.

Anyways, it's time for our Top 3 and each contestant is doing two songs tonight: one the judges selected and one they selected themselves. Each of the Top 3 took a trip home this week too, and we'll probably be seeing clips of their trips tomorrow.

Danny Gokey leads off with Paula's song choice, "Dance Little Sister" by Terence Trent D'Arby. He apparently didn't know it before this week. Since I read the spoilers online, I listened to the original last night on YouTube. It's an understandable choice, since Danny has a similar voice to the man initialed T.T.D. The problem is that there's hardly any melody to this song. Danny wisely focuses on the chorus, where the only trace of it resides. He brings a lot of energy to the performance, and his voice admittedly sounds good here. There's even a saxophone break. I still hate Danny, but this wasn't as bad as it could've been. Randy says it was dope. Kara says the dancing was a little too gyrating. Paula says it was really good. Simon says the dancing was a bit desperate, but vocally it was very very good. Yeah yeah. I'll give him credit. I still hope he's leaving.

Kara and Randy give Kris Allen OneRepublic's "Apologize," which means Adam gets the pimp spot for like, the third week in a row. Life is so unfair. In the video clip it appears Kris is wearing blue nail polish on his thumb. That boy's been rooming with Adam too long. Kris sits behind the piano for this one. At first it's hard for me to get into this, since it's one of those songs we've all heard a hundred times, but as it goes on I really start to enjoy it. Kris really seems to be feeling his performance. That's the great thing about Kris. He connects with the music. I'm not going to say it's the most original arrangement or anything, but I liked it. Randy says it showed the type of artist he could be. Kara says it was competent, but he needs to hit it out of the park. She says she wishes he'd rearranged it more. Paula says there was a loud bum note (I guess I missed that), but that all three people left are worthy of the Top 2. Simon scolds Kara for picking the song and complaining about what he did with it, which sets Kara off. Then he basically repeats what she said in her critique. Quit fighting, judges! This is about Kris! I can understand the "not original enough" criticism, but I think we're all familiar with Kris' "guy and a guitar" side. He's never shown this sort of piano-based electronic pop style before. It's something different for him.

Simon's choice for Adam Lambert is "One" by U2. Good choice. It's one of those heartfelt songs with lots of "moment" potential. He reminds me of Clay Aiken for some reason at the subdued beginning. He sings it well, but I feel like I'm just seeing "slow, dramatic Adam" for the hundredth time. He starts out hitting every note perfectly during the verse, and when the music peaks in the chorus he starts freaking out. You know, the usual Adam formula. The last time this guy truly wowed me was with "Born to Be Wild," unless you count his duet with Allison last week. Randy says it was a great song and he's a really talented guy. Kara says he proved that he can rearrange a song and make it believable. Paula pretty much declares him the next American Idol right then and there. Simon says it was brilliant and it'll be a huge upset if he's not in the finale. Yeah, I'd agree with that. Even if his performances are feeling kind of samey, he's still the best vocalist and performer in the competition.

Now it's time for an update about "Idol Gives Back." Apparently Carrie Underwood went to Angola and helped educate the children about insecticide-treated bed nets. Well good for them. Health is a wonderful thing.

Danny's choice for himself is Joe Cocker's "You Are So Beautiful." Ugh. You are not Taylor Hicks, so stop trying to be! The slow part is boring and a few notes sound bad. When the loud part starts up it seems like he's shouting most of the time. Eh. Beautiful song, nice arrangement, not crazy about the way it's sung. Randy says he showed he can really sing. Kara calls it stunning. Paula says he left all of us breathless and he nailed it. I don't know about you, but my respiratory functions stayed just where they were. Simon says it was a vocal masterclass. I guess it wasn't horrible, but I still want Danny gone.

Kris is back and I hope he's ready for the oncoming bus. He's doing..."Heartless" by Kanye West??? Hoo boy, this is a big risk, but...WOW. This is incredible. He does the entire thing with just his acoustic guitar and brings the Kris vibe to it. I hate this song, and Kris just made me enjoy it. Brilliant! This guy deserves some serious votage tonight! Randy says it was better than the original. Not that it's hard to be better than that autotuned piece of garbage, but I agree. He took a bad song and made it good. Kara says she wishes he'd done something like that with "Apologize." Paula says the arrangement made him completely relevant. Simon says he'd written him off after the first song, but with that song he's right back in it. Go Kris!

Finally, the Lambert kid is closing with Aerosmith's "Cryin'." You mean the song Kara recommended for Danny last week? Too funny. This is a great song, but it's so chopped up that there's no dramatic build here like in the original. This may be the most off-key I've ever heard Adam too. He slays it on the big notes and all, but the overall performance doesn't feel very cohesive. Randy calls him one of the best they've ever had and says he should do a rock album. Kara is amazed by the notes he can hit. Paula says we'll be seing him next week. Simon says he wants America to vote for Adam and not assume he's safe. Adam says Kris and Danny were both great tonight and that he's honored to be in their presence. I love how gracious he's been throughout this whole thing. He and Kris so deserve to be in the finale. Danny "Me Me Me" Gokey should be a spectator next week.

My Performance Ranking:

Kris, "Heartless" (8 out of 10)
Kris, "Apologize" (6.5 out of 10)
Adam, "One" (6 out of 10)
Danny, "Dance Little Sister" (5.5 out of 10)
Adam, "Cryin'" (4 out of 10)
Danny, "You Are So Beautiful" (4 out of 10)


Kris is leaving tomorrow, but not if my votes have anything to say about it!

Tomorrow Jordin Sparks is back in the house, which will leave Fantasia as the only former winner not to appear at a results show this season. I guess there'll still be the finale for that. We'll also presumably see the hometown trips, which should be a bundle of goodwill for all involved. Come on America! Let's send Danny home and get it right!


Unknown said...

Danny go home!!!!!!!! Let's put the GO in Gokey! Heartless was the best by the night and will be on my playlist as soon as it's available!!!

I was hoping that it was just me but Adam was off tonight. I'm going to be in South Dakota next week for the finale and a tiny (very tiny) part of me hopes that Adam doesn't make it so I won't have to blog. He's going to be big anyway.

Ian said...

Kristi - I can understand not wanting to miss out on blogging about Adam (I agree that he's already a star no matter where he finishes), but do you really want to sit through another week of Danny?

Judging by the preliminary WNTS ratings, Danny's average for this season is set to drop below 50, which would make him the first below-average performer to reach the finale. That'd be disgraceful.

Hmmm...now that you mention it, if Adam went home, a bunch of the people who hate Danny would probably throw their support to Kris. I guess it wouldn't be terrible, since it means Kris would likely win. Still, I'd rather see justice served, which means a Kris-Adam finale.

I hope Danny's fans voted extra hard to save him after that screechy note last week and are too tired this time to do it again. With Kris owning the night on "Heartless," I think he may have picked up some votes too. I also have to believe that Danny's the least likely of the three to have picked up Allison's voters. The more I think about it, the more I think a Kris-Adam finale is a very real possibility. Let's hope so!

BeckEye said...

I'm glad everyone is kind of agreeing that Adam was off last night. I was pretty disappointed. He should've killed both of those songs (in a good way), but he just screamed them into oblivion.

Unknown said...