Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Top 7 Results - You Know What This Season Needs? A Good Monkey Wrench!

They get down to business quickly tonight. The Ford music video is set to "Freeze Frame" and shows the Idols on magazine covers. It's kind of cool. Good to hear some J. Geils Band.

The group sing is "Maniac" from Flashdance. Fun stuff. Doesn't seem lip-synched either. Then again, maybe I'm not paying attention. Either way, I've actually been enjoying the result show stuff more and more each week.

The Idols went to premiere of "17 Again," starring Zac Efron. They make this movie sound like Oscar material, but...I kind of doubt it. Adam tells us he liked the cheerleaders, then they run a clip showing us that the cheerleaders were used as a joke in one scene. This ambiguity game with Adam is so much fun, isn't it?

Allison Iraheta first. She is safe! Well, I had her in the Bottom 3, but I'll take it! Hey, are they not doing the two groups this time?

Adam Lambert next. He says he wasn't insulted by Simon's "Rocky Horror Picture Show" comment, because it's a great movie. As usual, Adam is safe.

Anoop Desai faces the music. For the third straight week, he's in the Bottom 3. Wow. Is it time to declare him this year's Syesha Mercado/Phil Stacey/Anthony Fedorov/Nikki McKibbin? I guess we should see if he makes it through this week before we put him in that select company of Bottom 3-dwellers.

Time for the ever-overrated Jennifer Hudson. Yeah, yeah, I know she's won awards and stuff, but I'm not a fan. She just leaves me cold. Her song is "If This Isn't Love." It's OK, but I'm sure I'll forget it a minute after it ends. Man, she's taller than Ryan. Is she that big or is he that small?

Ryan chats with Anoop, Anoop says he's surprised to be in the Bottom 3, since he thought he did well the night before. Paula says she thought Anoop did well, Simon says he deserves to be where he is. I agree with Paula.

Kris Allen and Lil Rounds stand up. Simon tells Kris he was brilliant last night. Apparently that's what he would've said had he gotten to speak. Ryan asks Lil if she feels like she's in a no-win situation with the judges, and she says sometimes it does feel that way. Well, maybe it's because you're just not that good, Lil. One of these two is in the Bottom 3, and it is...Lil! Whoo! Go Kris!

That leaves us with Matt Giraud and Danny Gokey. Matt says if he could do it over he wouldn't have tried so hard to make the song his own. Danny, bespectacled once again, says he was trying to pull back a bit with the arrangement. Randy says Danny worked it out and did his thing last night. The one in the Bottom 3 is...Matt. Big surprise.

So I got two of the Bottom 3 correct. Instead of Anoop I had Allison, but I totally called Matt and Lil.

One person's going back to safety and that is...Anoop! Whoo! One of two contestants I don't like is leaving! As much as I hated this season back in the Semifinals, it's gotten a lot better since then. My three favorites at the start of the Top 13 were Anoop, Allison and Kris, and Adam's grown on me since then. Now they're all in the Top 6! Last year my three favorites going into the Top 12 were Brooke White, Amanda Overmyer and Chikezie. By the Top 9 only one remained. It's nice having contestants to look forward to each week for a change. I still hate the manipulation that went on in the Semifinals, but it's nice having contestants to root for. Maybe Season 8 is better than we're giving it credit for.

Time for Miley Cyrus, here to perform "The Climb." She's kind of nasally. But hey, we all know that's a form of singing, right Chris Richardson? I have nothing else to say about this performance.

So who's going home? It's time to find out. Lil Duh! She got the pimp spot! So Matt's the one leaving, and I predicted it correctly for once. Unless the judges save him, of course, which they really ought not to do.

Matt's "sing for his life" performance is pretty good, but I still don't want them to save him. It goes against the spirit of the competition. Ryan builds up the drama by saying how that must've been the toughest moment of his singing career. Oh, spare us the fake drama. Simon tells Matt he hasn't improved much and that he has no chance of winning. I agree. Get rid of him. But they've made a decision's good news. The crowd goes wild. No, Simon, that's bad news.

Why? Why did you have to ruin a season that was shaping up to be decent by using the frigging Judges' Save? This basically ensures that Matt's fans will vote extra hard next week and that someone who earned a place in the Top 6 will be labeled as "7th Place" for the rest of their lives. Newsflash, judges: Matt's elimination came as a shock to no one! America didn't vote for him because he's boring and not connecting with the viewers! In other words: AMERICA DOESN'T WANT MATT! I now take back all the good things I said about this season earlier! There was absolutely no reason to use the Judges' Save tonight! Ugh. I was looking forward to being rid of this boring smarmbag next week and you had to ruin it for me. I'm now convinced that the producers are trying to kill this show, since they'd have to be idiots not to realize Matt wasn't wanted anymore.

Power Rankings:

7. Anoop Desai
- He'll always be Top 6 in my heart.

6. Kris Allen - I have a feeling he's due for a trip to the Bottom 3 and thanks to this useless new double elimination it'll cost someone who actually would've been worthy of the Judges' Save.

5. Lil Rounds - Opposite gender slot.

4. Allison Iraheta - She's from the same state as Adam. Some vote-splitting may cost her.

3. Matt Giraud - The judges are going to pimp him extra hard to make sure they don't look stupid for saving him.

2. Danny Gokey - The Smuggie can't seem to hit the Bottom 3.

1. Adam Lambert - Since I don't think Kris, Allison or Anoop can make it to the finale at this point, Adam's our only hope.

Apparently next week is Disco Week, unless Simon was kidding. Whatever. I'm not in a good mood right now.


Unknown said...

Simon was not kidding about Disco week. I think that theme will favor Adam and kill the rest. What do you think?

I agree with you about Jennifer Hudson. I didn't care for her in Season 3 and I still don't care for her now. I think I'd rather listen to Miley. No, I take that back. I'd rather listen to Tatiana laughing!!

Matt should have left. That Judges's Save sucks! I miss Nigel. That man ran a tight ship!

Ian said...

I'd rather listen to Tatiana laughing than Jennifer Hudson too. That girl is so dang cute (albeit psychotic)!

I definitely think Adam's going to own Disco Week, but then again, he pretty much owns every week. The guy always seems to know exactly what he's doing, so I'm sure he has something good up his sleeve. I could see Anoop and Matt adding an R&B edge to whatever songs they pick, and Kris is good at rearranging songs to fit his style, so they might be OK. Danny will probably bust out the cheesy dance moves again and we all know by now that Lil isn't as good as advertised, so they're probably in trouble. As for Allison...well, she won't be able to rock out, but she's proven me wrong several times this season, so I think she'll find a way to make it work.

If next season is as manipulated as this one, I don't know if I'll even want to watch it. The Semifinals, the Wild Card, the Judges' Save...why can't they let us decide for ourselves who we want?

There have been a few rare moments that gave me hope. For instance, in the Semifinals Simon gave Megan Joy the same line he gave Michael Sarver: "I hope America votes for you." In other words, she was the "chosen" top girl from Group 2, just as Michael was the "chosen" third spot from Group 1. What happened instead? America voted Allison the top girl and Kris got the third spot. Their manipulation is hard to get around, but as we saw, it can be done. Of course, the judges couldn't do without their precious trainwreck-in-waiting "package artist," and they advanced her through the Wild Card.

I don't believe America truly wanted Michael or Megan, but there are too many gullible voters who let the judges do their thinking for them. They were essentially "cast" for the Top 13. So how did these judges' pets do in the Finals? As we saw, not too well. If the powers that be actually wanted to improve the product, they'd realize they did a poor job pre-selecting the contestants and put the decision back in America's hands. Of course, we know they're either too arrogant ever to admit they screwed up or they're trying to kill this show.

I think part of the reason I like Kris so much is because he represents America deciding for themselves and not following whatever Simon tells them. In a way it'd be poetic justice if Kris won. Not that I think he's as dynamic or talented as Adam, but he's obviously good, and I'm a sucker for an underdog story. If Kris takes the whole thing, you won't hear any complaints from me.

Whew! I practically wrote another post here in the comments. Sorry for my rambling!

BeckEye said...

I'd like to hear Tatiana laugh her way through a Jennifer Hudson song.

Ian said...

Becky - That'd be interesting, but it'd require that Tatiana actually know one of Jennifer Hudson's songs, and like most of the world, I'm guessing she doesn't.